Friday, December 30, 2011

Chipwrecked, Tin Tin, and Warhorse

On Christmas day I went to see three movies and I am going to give short reviews of all three. Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked.

This movie was pretty good for a Chipmunks movie but it wasn't the best of the three. There was the saccharine disgusting, everybody learns a valuable lesson ending that most kids movies have these days. The songs were good, though. Hearing the Chipmunks and the Chipettes do Gaga was great. I thought the Castaway reference was a bit much. And there's the whole "OMG we're stranded on an island with an active volcano that's never been active in the last 10 years!" thing going on. The whole thing is pretty ridiculous, really. It's a good movie to take your kids to, though. I will say that much.

The Adventures of Tin Tin:

This movie was pretty awesome over all. It seems like the Mythbusters consulted on the movie because there were at least 4 proven Myths that I saw. There were several "well that's convenient" moments throughout the story but over all, it's really good. The Captain was hilarious.


This movie was very beautifully done. Though there were moments that were kind of slow, but that's to be expected in this type of movie. I think my favorite part of the whole movie though was watching David Thewlis get chased off the property by a goose. They had a goose on the farm that was more entertaining than most well trained dogs. Honestly. The movie follows the story of one horse from birth to the end of WWI. It's crazy and miraculous and amazing and very well done. Of these three movies, I highly recommend Warhorse and Tin Tin. Chipwrecked I only recommend if you want to turn your brain off for a little while.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Sherlock Holmes addendums and corrections

I would like to apologize to Kelly Reilly for getting her name wrong in the original review of the movie. She does such a wonderful job and is a very important part of this movie that I feel very bad for not getting her name right. That has been corrected, though. Also, I forgot about the Men In Black 3 trailer before the movie. It looks very interesting and the actor they have playing young K could actually have been a young Tommy Lee Jones. I am looking forward to that. There's another trailer that I forgot for a movie called John Carter. My mom seems to think that it's based on a book, which I will have to research. It's very well done and looks like an interesting story. I'm going to look more into that before I decide to go see the movie. I've already made the addendum of my assessment of Noomi Rapace's performace as Madame Simza. It's been added to the original review of the film. The movie was even better the second time because I was able to catch the jokes I missed the first time. Again I say, go see this movie.

Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows

The first thing I would like to talk about are the trailers before the movie.

The Grey:
I think they could have come up with a better title for the movie, but over all it looks pretty cool. Liam Neeson is awesome as always. It's about a group of men stranded in the winter wilderness after a plane crash and they're trying to get home. I know we've seen this done a thousand times but it looks pretty cool anyway.

Hunger Games:
I haven't read the books but the trailer to the movie is making me want to do so. It's beautifully done and looks like it can be very, very good. I am looking forward to seeing this movie.

I have to say when I first saw this movie poster I thought it was something based on the board game, but I was totally wrong. There's an alien invasion and some more Liam Neeson. It looks really good.

Dark Knight Rises:
This is one I am most definitely looking forward to. Anne Hatthaway as Cat Woman is looking very promising. There's a villain that I don't recognize but then I am not that well versed in the Batman universe. I only know from the movies, the TV shows and the cartoons, and from what my brother has told me about the comic books. Gary Oldman is the best Commissioner Gordon ever, that's all there is to that. And I love Michael Caine as Alfred. I will be seeing this one when it is released, that's for sure. The entire theater applauded this trailer.

SPOILERS AHEAD! I say that only because there are details that I will reveal that might not be known already. I don't plan to go into great detail about the storyline because there is so much involved, but I do want to talk about the movie.

First off, my love for Hans Zimmer only grows more with each movie score of his I hear. Especially these movies. He reaches into his soul and pulls out wonderfulness. You feel like you're actually listening to Victorian era music. There's some English with a touch of Irish. The suspenseful tones make you bite your nails and the soft melodies make you cry your eyes out. Even in a movie like this one, Hans uses every instrument at his disposal to reach into your chest and just rip your heart right out with his bare hands. I love him more than I love John Williams and for those who know me, that's saying a LOT.

Guy Ritchie is a great director. He makes wonderful use of the slow motion. While there is quite a lot of it in this movie, none of it is unwarranted. It's done beautifully and just adds to the story.

Robert was once again brilliant as Sherlock Holmes. They did a very good job of making Holmes seem completely insane and obsessed with Moriarty, which anyone who has read the books and stories knows he was. He does seem a bit psychotic but it is truly fitting for Holmes, based on what I've read from the books. I was also very impressed with Robert's pronunciation of the German that Holmes speaks at one point. Knowing that Robert speaks no foreign languages and learns all his lines phonetically, and having experience with German being a rather interesting language, I give him kudos for that.

Jude was hilariously awesome as Watson. Getting completely hammered at his stag party, stumbling about and giggling at nothing. There were a lot of looks shared between Holmes and Watson that were wonderful and funny and just completely the kind of looks two very dear friends would share. And it was evident that it was one of those times when the lonely friend realized the friend about to get married was moving on and having another life that might not include him. But there were so many scenes when it was very obvious exactly how much Holmes means to Watson.

The performance I was looking forward to the most, however, was that of the magnificent Stephen Fry. Choosing him as Mycroft Holmes couldn't have been a more brilliant decision. Although he was quite a bit more active than Mycroft was in the books, he did a beautiful job. And the scene in which he spends the entire time naked was both hilarious and fantastic. Conveniently placed books and well chosen camera angles kept too much from being revealed but it was great all the same. And Kelly Reilly handling the reactions to seeing Mycroft naked was very funny and very well done.

I do believe that there is no actor currently living that could have played Professor James Moriarty better than Jared Harris. Everything I have seen him in he's been absolutely evil to the core and he is so very good and being so very bad. I was a bit surprised to find out that he can sing beautifully. He made me shiver with every look. He played a man as brilliant as Holmes and exponentially more diabolical. I believe that Moriarty is the embodiment of what Holmes could have become if he'd chosen a life of crime rather than a life of crime fighting.

The ending of the movie was very well done. It is almost exactly as it was described in the one story that does involve Moriarty written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Even taking place at the correct waterfall. The main difference is that Watson arrives to find only a note from Holmes, rather than seeing what happens with both Holmes and Moriarty. You are left to wonder if both of them perished or if perhaps there was some way in which one of them survived. I was very pleased to find that they had included that bit of the story in the movies.

(added 533pm) I feel completely horrible because I realized this morning that I forgot to talk about Noomi Rapace. She did a wonderful job, honestly. She was perfect for Madame Simza Heron. All of the action scenes were very well done and the emotional moments were heart breaking. She's a beautiful woman and a talented actress and I feel bad for not remembering, at 330am, to comment on her performance. These movies have been maid more closely to the stories in the books than any other Sherlock Holmes movie I have ever seen. The relationship between Holmes and Watson is definitely much more partner than detective and side kick. Holmes wasn't nearly as calm and dignified as he's been made out to be in the past. Watson was a lot more willing to call Holmes on his crap than I've seen in other embodiments of these two timeless characters. Robert and Jude have brought them as close to Conan Doyle's vision as humanly possibly without Sir Arthur here to tell us exactly what he imagined when he wrote the stories.

You should most definitely go see this movie. Everyone should. And I have to agree with the critics, it is better than the first one. The general story itself is better played out and it's just an over all well done movie. I don't know how else to put it. Go see the movie, you won't regret it, I promise.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I got to go to an advanced screening of the movie Real Steal tonight. The movie stars Hugh Jackman and Evangeline Lily. It's amazing. It's pretty much a robot version of Rocky, but it's still fantastic. The movie is due out in theaters on October 7th and I highly recommend that everybody go see it.

Now, first and foremost I would like to give a huge, major thank you hug to Mr. Steven Spielberg and Dreamworks for making this movie in 2D. It could have been very awesome in 3D but until I get the 2D glasses from I still can't watch 3D movies and it's a relief to see that something like this is made for those of us that prefer 2D.


The first thing we see is a down and out Charlie Kenton (played by Hugh Jackman) who is so desperate for money that he is putting his robot boxer in a ring against a bull. Yes, that's right, an actual living bull. Now there's the usual no animals were harmed disclaimer on this, but it's still a bull. And the bull ends up kicking the robot's metal ass.

Then we get to find out the heart of the story. Charlie has a son who has been living with his mother. The boy's mother dies and Charlie goes to sign paperwork so that Max, who is 11 years old, will go live with his aunt and Charlie doesn't have to deal with him. Charlie gets money from the boy's uncle and is willing to take him for a couple of months while the aunt and uncle are in Italy with some friends. Charlie uses that money to buy another robot, who then gets his ass kicked and torn to shreds.

They go to a junk yard and Charlie tries to find parts to put a new robot together. In all of this, Max finds a robot that Charlie wants nothing to do with but Max digs him out of the mud and gets him back to Charlies truck. They get him back to the gym, which used to train boxers and now trains boxing robots, only to find out that the robot still works and is a sparring robot with a shadow function. It's pretty awesome.

The kid gets the robot cleaned up and he talks Charlie into teaching him how to box. With the shadow motion, the robot dances before each fight, following Max's movements. He gets more and more fights, winning and winning and winning when nobody said he would, and finds his way into a sanctioned, league fight. Everybody is convinced that the opponent, Twin Cities, is going to win but in the end, Atom (Max's robot) manages to beat the crap out of him. During the fights they use voice commands to tell the robot what to do. So after defeating Twin Cities, Max gets on the mic at the match and challenges the Robot Champion known as Zeus to a match.

The problem comes when it's time for Charlie to take Max back to his aunt in New York. Max doesn't want to go but Charlie tells him it's for the best and that's that. Charlie heads back to the gym, and a woman named Bailey (played by Evangeline Lily) who eventually talks Charlie into going back and getting Max.

They get their fight with Zeus. Now the main thing about Zeus is that no robot has ever gotten past the first round without being annihilated. But Atom is different. Because he's a sparring robot, he is built to take a lot of punches. He's old and an under dog and he does take a hell of a beating but he gives as good as he gets. He gets knocked down more times than I could keep track of but he keeps getting back up. During the 4th round, though, Zeus gets in a blow that knocks out Atom's voice recognition programming and the bell rings barely in time for Atom to make it out of the round alive. The problem is, there's still one more round to go. Max switches Atom over to shadow mode and Charlie, a former boxer himself, gets to where Atom can see him and starts fighting the match for Atom. The pivotal moment in the movie comes when Bailey and Max are both watching Charlie as he's making the boxing moves for Atom. He was loving every minute of it, being able to essentially be back in the ring throwing those punches. Zeus is about to be knocked out and literally gets saved by the bell. The 5th round is the final round in the robot league boxing and it goes to the scores. The judges, of course, name Zeus as the winner because it would look bad for the under dog to win. The programmer of the robot is furious, though, and he storms out of the ring without saying a word. In the end, Atom is dubbed The People's Champion even though he lost the match, and everybody cheers.

I can continue to say that I have never seen a movie with Hugh Jackman in it that I didn't enjoy. He's very good at this type of role. The guy who thinks he's not worth anything but deep down you know he's worth more than his weight in gold. The rough and tumble, makes you want to smack him asshole that turns out to have a big heart that's in just the right place. And watching him throw those punches was beautiful. He had to have trained a lot to be able to look the way he did in this movie.

The real star of the movie, though, in my opinion is Dakota Goyo, the little boy that plays Max. That kid has attitude and swagger and he's about the same age as my daughter. He delivers lines like he's been doing it for decades and his comedic timing is pure genius. Dakota is going to go as far as he wants to go in this business. There's raw talent there that can not be taught and doesn't need much in the way of refinement. In my opinion, he was literally born to act.

Evangeline Lily didn't have a very big part in this movie, but it was an important one. And yes, there is a difference. She plays the daughter of the man that ran the gym where Charlie trained. He didn't just run the gym, he was also Charlie's trainer. Bailey believes in Charlie to a point, but even the biggest fan has to give up at some point. He manages to talk her into giving him another chance and another chance. She watches the match with Twin Cities and she's there at the match with Zeus, cheering and crying and just having a good time. I have always loved Evangeline. She's a beautiful woman inside and out as far as I can tell and she was definitely perfect for the part of Bailey.

I would also like to give a little shout out for the fact that a lot of this movie is set in Texas. North Texas to be specific. One of the fights takes place at an arena in Dallas, just about a 45 minute drive from me. So I was happy about that. But the fights do take place all over the country.

And again I thank Steven for making this in 2D instead of going with the 3D craze that has started the past few years. Those of us who can't watch 3D movies for whatever reason thank you greatly.

Over all? I say go see this movie as soon as you can. The effects are amazing, and it's real robots, not CG, which makes it even better. And the music is fantastic. I gotta get the sound track to this movie because the songs just make you want to get up and dance. Especially the ones to which the robot dances. The film as a whole is great. It's rated PG-13 but that's just for violence and some mild language. By mild I mean there's the occasional shit here and there and some bitches and asses, like that. No F bombs dropped in this flick.

Even if the only reason you go to see it is to watch two robots beat the living snot out of each other, it's so worth it, trust me. GO SEE THIS MOVIE! You will NOT regret it.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Don't do business with Don Davis Auto Group ever.

On top of the fact that I was lied to repeatedly about the car that I purchased, I have had more problems with my 2008 PT Cruiser than my mom and dad have had with their 2001 and 2004 PT Cruisers COMBINED and that includes the fact that my mom's car is currently not running and sitting in our driveway.

Let's add to that the fact that I have had to replace the battery in this car EVERY SUMMER since I bought it. I managed to get a jump so I could take my car to the dealership at about 915am. I got there and they said "We'll take a look at it" even though I told them TWO WEEKS AGO when I brought it in that it was a bad battery. So, I decide to go look into the possibility of buying a new car while they're looking at my current car. FOUR HOURS LATER they still hadn't even pulled my car back to the repair bays to even figure out what was wrong. When they FINALLY pulled it back to look at it, it took another THREE HOURS for them to "figure out" that it was in fact the bad battery I had originally told them it was and to switch out said battery.

Two weeks ago I dropped my car off at about 11am because the battery was dead. It took them until THE NEXT MORNING to even LOOK at my car and then they told me "oh, it's just the connectors, we'll do the battery service and you'll be good." Well, it turns out that the "battery service" that they charged me $40 for, I could have done myself with a 50 cent can of Coke. All they did was clean off the battery cables. They claimed that they checked the battery and that the battery was good.

The kicker? If they had changed the battery two weeks ago it would have still been under the free replacement. As of last week, it wasn't under the free replacement anymore. So that means that I had to pay $88 for towing, $40 for the "battery service" and today I had to pay $106 for the new battery and labor. $32 worth of labor to change out the fucking battery.

All of this is on a 2008 PT Cruiser. Since I bought the car in 2008, I have had to replace the Cam Shaft Position Sensor Circuit and the Crank Shaft Position Sensor Circuit. I've had to replace the battery three times as of today. I had to get the brakes done within 6 months of buying the car. I have had to get new tires on the car twice. I have had to replace the wiring that controls the horn twice. I have had to place the wiring that controls the wind shield wipers and the turn signals as well as the switches that control them because the wiring burning out means that both switches burnt out. AND I was told that I need a new air conditioner compressor by one person, and a new air conditioner fan by another.

All of this amounts to repairs on the car in the amount of....roughly 1/3 the PURCHASE PRICE OF THE DAMN VEHICLE!

Don Davis lied to me about the warranty and refused to give me anything in writing. They lied to me about the condition of the car. They lied to me about the previous owner of the car. Hell, the VIN number pulls up for a BLUE car and my car is SILVER STEEL.

What does this all come down to? It comes down to the fact that I owe nearly 2 times what my car is actually worth so there is no way I can get rid of it until I get it paid off, because the longer I keep the car the less it is worth. So I am stuck in a fucking piece of shit car that is falling apart worse than my mistreated 1998 Mustang was when it was 10 years old.


Friday, July 22, 2011

CAPTAIN AMERICA!!! Spoiler Alert ahead.

STAY UNTIL AFTER THE CREDITS! Which is the case with all Marvel movies.

SPOILER ALERT AHEAD! Don't read this if you don't want to know details about the movie.

The first thing that I have to say is that it still freaks me out to see Chris Evans head on a short, scrawny little body. It's just WEIRD! That's not him at all. And, after this movie, I officially no longer hate Chris Evans. I still don't like him all that much, but I don't hate him either. So that's a start.

I was very confused at the beginning of this movie. I couldn't get what was going on. Everything looked way too modern. It wasn't until the black mass appeared in the snow that I realized that they were finding Cap frozen in the ice. I knew about that part of his story but I didn't realize they were putting it in the movie at the very beginning.

Even though there were a lot of special effects in this film, it wasn't completely CG. I did like seeing Natalie Dormer even though it was briefly, but that was later in the film. She was the "The women of American owe you a debt of gratitude" or whatever the line was. It was a precursor to making her look like a slut so I didn't pay that much attention. I do know that it was in the trailer, though.

Stanley Tucci will always have a special place in my heart. And I love him as Dr Erskine. When Steve says "Where are you from?" and in his thick German accent Erskine says "Queens." That was too priceless.

There were only two people in Hollywood that could have possibly been cast as Colonel Chester Phillips. And since R. Lee. Ermie apparently wasn't available, the other option was the amazing Tommy Lee Jones. I love that man so much it's not even funny. And he did such a great job in this role. He's always been beautiful when it comes to delivering lines and he did it with gusto in this movie, especially since they gave him some of the best lines in the script. My personal favorite was "I'm not gonna kiss you!" So great.

Dominic Cooper as Howard Stark did a very good job. And there were a lot of scenes with Howard that the only thought I had in my head at the moment was "Like Father/Like Son." Especially the bit when Howard tests out the crystal and gets blown halfway across the lab. I had a momentary flash back to Tony first testing out the flight boots in the first Iron Man movie. VERY nice.

Everyone was very perfectly cast, although Neal McDonough will always creep me out. He did a good job as Dum Dum Dugan, though. I think we might get a chance to see him again at some point but I'm not really sure on that one. Depends on how they play this out.

The story was very well done and I am so glad that they did a great job on this. While waiting for the movie to start, with the theater completely quiet someone said aloud "Dear God please let them not have screwed this up." and of course the entire theater laughed.

There were moments that had everybody laughing and cheering. When Cap shows up with the 400 soldiers that he freed from the Red Skull, the theater erupted in applause. It was so great. There was a lot of laughing and a few "ooohs" in the appropriate places. And there were more cheers when Nick Fury showed up at the end. It was so great.

I think one of the best parts of this movie though is The Avengers trailer at the end. I am SOOOO looking forward to that movie and next summer can not come fast enough. There's a little bit of everyone in the trailer and Tony walking up to Thor, patting his arm and saying "Nice Swing" just made everybody laugh.

I have to admit that the musical numbers and the war bonds selling made me cringe. Especially the song that the girls sang. It just made me want to smack somebody upside the head repeatedly. And Chris even managed to look like he would really rather be doing anything else but that. So this has proven that Chris can at least act a little bit which has given me cause to not hate him anymore.

Over all the movie is very well done and I highly recommend it to any and everyone there is. I didn't see it in 3D and I'm personally glad I didn't, but there were a lot of parts in the movie that would be very cool in 3D if you can handle that sort of thing.

Go see this movie. That's all I'm saying.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Harry Potter and the Deathy Hallows Part 2

If you have not read the book and have not yet seen the movie, beware there are spoilers ahead.

I so loved this movie, I really did. There were things that I saw differently in my head when I was reading the books but that's always going to be the case. What I saw in my head might not have been possible with special effects, and there's always different interpretations of things.

There were also parts that I didn't remember. Honestly, I totally forgot that Fred dies until a friend of mine reminded me earlier today before I went to see the movie. And that part was so horrifically sad. All of the deaths hit hard, especially the characters that I really liked. I love Fred and George. YOU DON'T SPLIT UP THE TWINS, MAN! YOU JUST DON'T! Okay, I'm over that now. And Remus and Tonks dying was just wrong on so many levels, but then I hated all of the deaths in this series. Every last one of them. Although I think the deaths that hit me the hardest were Dobby and Snape.

I would like to take a side note and say that I have always loved the casting in these movies. Every part was cast so beautifully. Although I will, until the day I die, say that Emma Watson was too pretty for Hermione and Imelda Staunton was too pretty for Delores Umbridge. They did, however, play the parts wonderfully and I am glad that those two were cast. My favorite cast members, however, have got to be Maggie Smith and Alan Rickman. Alan Rickman as Snape was just pure genius. That's all there is to it. Absolute, complete and utter genius. I love the way he managed to make it look like Snape just glides across the floor. And I love how you could simultaneously love and hate the man at the same time. Alan Rickman was perfect for Snape and I am so glad that he did it.

Snapes death was so sad and Rickman played it so well. Although I have to say that the collection of his last thoughts went very differently than described in the book. I will say that it was done well, and this was a lot easier special effects wise, but I was slightly disappointed at that.

Now, onto my love of Maggie Smith. Since the day I found out she was being cast as McGonagall, I have been cheering and wanting to hug the casting director. I've had a girl crush on this woman since she played the Mother Superior in Sister Act. I know that her career has spanned a lot longer than that, but that was my first exposure to her and I've loved her ever since. And I really, really wish that they had put "Do you need a cough drop, Delores?" into Order of the Phoenix because she would have played that line so beautifully. And my favorite part of this movie will always be "I've always wanted to use that spell!" She looked like a little kid at Christmas when she said that. It was wonderful. That woman just makes my life, that's all there is to it.

Ralph Fiennes played Voldemort so well. He has a wonderful voice and you almost hate to see him play the villain but he did it wonderfully and I loved that he was cast as Voldemort. When it comes down to it, I loved the entire cast. That's the only way to say it. Ralph was so deliciously evil that you really wanted to hate him but you couldn't help but love the wickedness. There's a tiny little evil part of me that almost wanted to cheer for him. He was too good to die, really. But that was the story so it had to happen. Although with the scene were he breaks up into tiny little pieces and flies away, I'm very glad that I wasn't able to watch this in 3D because I didn't need to see that coming flying at me. Just saying.

I am so very, very happy that Neville got to save the day. He's always been the klutz, the bumbler, the one that messes things up. I loved to see him coming into his own and being brave and standing up against the bad guys. Killing Nagini was just the icing on the awesomeness cake that Neville had become. I didn't remember him being in love with Luna but it really fit. Those two are perfect for each other. And Luna is definitely one of my favorite characters because she is so lovably weird. She seems like someone that I would have been very good friends with had we gone to school together.

Over all this movie was perfect. It was beautifully done and absolutely amazing. I highly recommend it to anyone who hasn't yet seen it. And if you haven't read the book yet, do it. Trust me, you won't regret it. But start from book one, if you haven't. One of the things that I love about this series is that you can't just pick up a book in the middle and know what's going on. You have to read it from the very beginning to know what's happening. J.K. did that brilliantly.

I didn't really like the age progression at the end but it was definitely better than having other actors come in. And to be honest, it looked like they only really age progressed the guys. All they did with Emma and Bonnie was change their hair a bit and they looked older. But the guys needed some computerized help. And poor Daniel looks like he's one of those guys that just thinks about not shaving and has a beard like Hagrid's. They probably had to take a lot of shaving breaks throughout this movie, just so that he could look the way he did. And make up only covers up so much. But I digress.

Go see the movie. Take the time to read the books. Pick a character and fall in love. Be one with the stories. You will not regret it, seriously.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

In Plain Sight

So thanks to Netflix view instantly I've been having my own little In Plain Sight marathon. I haven't seen all of the episodes and I wanted to change that. I'm really glad that Netflix view instantly exists at times like these. So that I can just sit down and watch them without having to wait for the discs to come in the mail. Just saying.

I'm very much loving the relationship between Mary and Marshall. They're so close to each other, it's great. Although you'd have to classify it as brother and sister more than anything else. When Marshall got hurt, Mary was really scared and it was obvious that she really cares about Marshall. When Mary was abducted, Marshall looked like he was about to fall apart and he never looks like he's about to fall apart. Very obvious that he really cares about her. It's a fantastic relationship.

I really like the first season of In Plain Sight because we get to see Mary's emotional side. She's a lot more open and emotional in the first season, I think, than in the rest of the show. Maybe that's just me.

I really like Mary because she's a strong, independent woman but she has a feminine side and she doesn't really care what other people think. In my opinion, she's a great role model. Even given her crassness and her need to keep people at a distance, she's smart and funny and strong and isn't required to have a man in her life to be happy.

I also like Marshall because he's a smart guy. He has a mind full of useless facts and I love that. He's a little bit weird but in a kind of cool way and it's really obvious when he cares about someone. Even though he's not very externally emotional, you can just see it. And he's very protective of the people he cares about. Don't get in his way when someone he loves is hurt, because you will regret it. Watching Marshall interview the guy that kidnapped Mary. He looks calm and cool on the outside but just look into his eyes and you can see him visualizing the many different, horrible ways he wants to make this guy suffer for what he did.

The whole cast is amazing and they work well together. Even in the first season it's like they've been working together for years. The chemistry is perfect and the casting director did a great job.

That's all I can really say about the show. It's very well done and better than the original promos led anyone to believe. Everybody should watch it. But start from the beginning.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

White Collar

I am really loving this episode of White Collar. Neal and Peter are back into their routine which is awesome. And I love it when Peter gets giddy over stuff.

I did love the conversation between Peter and Savannah about Neal's tracking anklet. That was pretty hilarious. "Are you his grandpa?"

And then when they figured out that it was a treasure map but Peter had a lunch with Elizabeth. Classic.

Elizabeth: "Do you want to grab some mirrors and go play with Neal?" Peter: "Yes."

He's like a little boy sometimes, it's so adorable.

I like seeing Danny Masterson again. He's pretty awesome.

Every single time that Neal and Elizabeth interact it makes me smile, it really does. She's usually on his side but she doesn't quite trust him completely. And I'm loving the look on her face when Neal asked if Satchmo was free. I like that they're not ignoring the dog like they usually do. Satchmo is awesome, just saying.

I tend to use that word a lot, especially in conjunction with this show. Because that's what it is. Awesome.

I like Neal talking to Gelles about getting away with crimes and being prepared to sleep with one eye open. That was very well done. Speaking from experience and all.

And Peter with the little girl again was adorable. I'd love to see Peter with his own kids, really.

I am liking that Neal managed to get information out of the agent from DC, but it was kind of sad how easily he did, though.

Over all the episode was really good and I'm looking forward to see Peter in glasses next week.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Franklin and Bash

I am really loving this show. Although the trailers for the series premier made it look completely ridiculous, it's pretty awesome.

Mark-Paul Gosselaar is very funny and still very good looking. I love how his character, Peter Bash, tries to be serious and adult while still having that immature streak that gets out every now and then. He really can play a jury like a violin and it's great. If he were a real person, I would totally hire Peter Bash. And it definitely doesn't hurt that I've had a crush on MP since his Saved by the Bell days.

Breckin Meyer is hilarious as well. And he's just all around adorable. He doesn't really try to be serious and adult, he just embraces his immature side. It totally works for him, though. I think Jared Franklin would be far less interesting if he wasn't the loveable, immature person that he is. Although sometimes he doesn't know when to be quiet.

I have to say that I'm a bit surprised with some of the things that they're getting away with on this show. Dicks, dickwad, pussy, bullshit, and MP's naked ass. Although I certainly don't have a complaint about that last one. ;-)

Malcolm McDowell is always awesome. That's just all there is to it. I love the eccentricity of his character. He's a great lawyer, and he's a bit crazy. That's all I can say.

I'm really fond of some of the guest stars that are popping up on the show. Great people.

Kathy Nijimy
Gates McFadden (as yet unaired episode)
Fred Willard

Those are the ones I can think of right now anyway. Everyone on the show does a really good job and they work well together. I especially love Dana Davis and Kumail Nanjiani. They're very good. I wish I could come up with a better way of saying it.

Reed Diamond is very good at being annoying and stuck up. Everything he plays, he's always getting on my nerves. He just picks those kinds of characters and he does it very well. I don't know if that's a compliment or not.

Over all I highly recommend this show. Only two episodes in and I'm loving it. That's very rare these days. Usually takes at least three or four episodes to get me hooked.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Dr Who: The Almost People

This week's episode, which is one week behind England thanks to Memorial Day, is the second half of the episode from two weeks ago The Rebel Flesh.

It's a pretty interesting episode. The ganger Doctor having to deal with all of the past regenerations was pretty awesome. Got a special kick out of hearing Tom Baker's voice come out of Matt Smith's mouth. The captioning even said (As the 4th doctor) which was kind of awesome.

I think this episode is showing what a lot of the problem with the world is. The problems between the people and the gangers is a lack of understanding. Having two Matt Smiths is pretty interesting, and kind of weird.

I like seeing Rory as a kind of a hero. He's definitely much more useful in these two episodes than he has been in the past. And he's a bit more useful than Mickey was. I really like Rory and I hate that they keep killing him. I'm sure I've said it before but Rory is to Dr Who what Kenny is to South Park. At least that's how it seems. Rory is a protector in this one. Something that Amy doesn't really let him be. She's too independent and strong for him to really be her protector. This time around he's being given that chance.

So many of the problems in this episode would be solved if the humans would just see the gangers as people. It seems to be speaking on racism when it comes down to it. They don't want to believe that the gangers are just like them so they're treating them as lesser beings. Sounds very familiar.

The eyes in the wall was pretty weird looking. That's all I have to say about that bit.

"An hour....five seconds.....somewhere in between." That's a great line, really. Very funny.

Roranicus Pondicus. I love that one too. Lots of good lines for the Doctor.

And poor Rory got tricked by the gangers.

This is all very interesting and confusing. I am liking that the ganger Doctor is acting just like the real Doctor. They are identical in almost every way. It's pretty amazing.

"You're twice the man I thought you were." That's a pretty epic line right there.

And in regard to the ending.......what the hell? That's all I can say. What the hell?

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

ARLINGTON not Dallas.

The following rant was inspired by the season finale of Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior. I know it aired last week but I am just now getting around to watching it. Here's my problem.

They talk about this serial killer being in Dallas, Texas and then the next thing we know, they're talking about one of the victims being shot just outside Cowboys Stadium. Here's the thing. COWBOYS STADIUM IS NOT IN DALLAS! It's in ARLINGTON!

The Superbowl was said to be in Dallas, Texas. NOPE! IT WAS IN ARLINGTON!

Comedians come to Arlington Improv all the time and talk about how great it is to be in Dallas. WRONG AGAIN! YOU'RE IN ARLINGTON!

I wouldn't be so upset about this except that we're not even in Dallas County! We're in Tarrant County! We're closer to Ft Worth than we are to Dallas.

With over 360,000 people, why is it so hard to acknowledge that Arlington, Texas actually exists. I mean, if the Texas Rangers can call the Ballpark the Rangers Ballpark in Arlington, how hard would it be for it to be Cowboys Stadium in Arlington? Oh wait, IT IS! ARLINGTON IS IN THE NAME OF THE STADIUM!

Yes, I know that Dallas, Texas is a city that everybody knows about. You say Dallas and everybody automatically knows where that is. But if they can track down serial killers in tiny little podunk towns that nobody's ever heard of and list that town name, why can't they acknowledge a city that at one time held the busiest intersection in the country? It probably still is? Why can't they say "Arlington, Texas" when they're talking about things that happened here?

We are the 7th largest city in the entire state of Texas and the 50th largest city in the country. With a population of 365,438 people and 99.7 square miles of land. We house Six Flags Over Texas which was the very first Six Flags park ever. We have the Texas Rangers and now the Dallas Cowboys. Though Arlington was officially founded in 1878 people have been living here since 1841. That's older than the state of Texas itself.

With 50 Elementary Schools, 12 Jr High Schools and 6 High Schools, would it really be all that hard to say something was in Arlington rather than in Dallas? I mean, really?

Arlington deserves better than what it's getting is all I'm saying.


I know I've said a couple of times that this movie is really good (on twitter) but I want to give my honest opinion of the movie.

Most of the characters were funny. Matt Lucas was adorable, even with his limited appearance in the movie. Wendi McLendon-Covey was also amazing. She made me laugh a lot, especially in the scene on the airplane with Ellie Klemper. She delivered her lines well and her timing was great. Melissa McCarthy was amazing. Absolutely hilarious and wonderful. Of course I love her as Molly on Mike and Molly on CBS. It's a great show and she's fantastic. Chris O'Dowd was very adorable and great. Maya Rudolph was pretty cute too.

Here's the harshness. I felt like there was a lot of the movie that was made up of unfinished sentences. I could have done without the food poisoning scene in the bathroom. That was a bit uncalled for, even if the whole audience laughed. All of the passive aggressive arguments between Annie and Helen could have been a lot shorter than they were. I got bored very easily with them. I understand the need for the situations, because it needed to lead to Helen taking over as the matron of honor, but they were way too long. What it all comes down to is that I really don't think Kristen Wiig was all that funny. And Jill Clayburgh as her mother was annoying.

Bits and pieces were really funny but over all as a whole I didn't think it was all that great. But that is just my opinion. I would say go see the movie and decide what you think. Don't just take my word for it.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Interesting facts about Harry Potter families.

Doing a bit of research on Barty Crouch Jr I have found that Barty's paternal great grandfather was the brother of the great grandfather of Sirius Black. And Barty's paternal grandmother was the sister of Arthur Weasley's mother. I just found that interesting.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Marathon Continuation

Kaitlynne is at a weekend long sleep over so I can watch whatever I want to watch without worrying about waking her up. YAY!

Tonight I started with Game 6. Robert plays a theater critic who is notorious for giving such scathing reviews that he actually ends careers. So many people hate him that he goes out in disguise, he doesn't have a listed address and he carries a fire arm. Michael Keaton plays a play write and the movie takes place all in one day, the opening night of the newest play. And Robert's character is going to be there to review it. All of this is centered on Game 6 of the 1986 World Series when Boston blew the series and lost to the Mets. It's very interesting and well done, but you have to really pay attention to be able to follow the movie. When it's all said and done we find out that the play write and the critic have the Boston Red Sox in common. I really like this movie just because Robert's character is so amazingly weird and there's a scene where Robert has to apply make up over a fake birth mark on his cheek.

Next I watched Zodiac. Robert plays reporter Paul Avery. This movie is very interesting and suspenseful. And even though you know exactly who did it, they never quite catch the guy. Jake Gyllenhaal plays Robert Graysmith, the man who became obsessed with the Zodiac killer. Mark Ruffalo plays Inspector David Toschi who headed the investigation. It's very well done and creepy. I can't really describe how this movie makes me feel because I go all over the place when I watch it. Over all it's a very good movie and I recommend it to everyone.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

More RDJ

Another little RDJ marathon today. This one started out with watching Wonder Boys again. I really love this movie. Michael Douglas is fantastic and strange and wonderful. Tobey Maguire is delightedly disturbed in this one. I think it's amazing because I actually like Katie Holmes in this movie. And Robert Downey Jr hitting on Tobey Maguire is just hilarious to me. The movie is about a professor who is also an author and he's working on a book that ends up getting blown away. It's nearly 3000 pages at that point, so I guess it's all for the best. Robert is his editor and Tobey and Katie are two of his students. Other than the dead dog, the movie is pretty funny.

I let Kaitlynne pick the next movie so we then watched Heart and Souls. I love this movie and even with everything he's done I swear this is the best acting that Robert has ever done. Kyra Sedgewick, Alfre Woodard, Charles Grodin and Tom Sizemore play ghosts that are attached to Robert's character when he's born. The little boy that plays Young Thomas grew up to work in the Santa Clause movies. The best part of the movie is when the different people take over Thomas' body and Robert has to pretend to be taken over by various people. When the women take him over is the best, but it's all pretty awesome. It's very touching and cute and hilarious and everybody should see this movie if they haven't.

I capped off the evening with Good Night and Good Luck which is a movie about Edward R Murrow as played by David Strathairn. George Clooney is in it too and the movie is very good. It's completely in black and white which is fitting for the time. This is about the media during the McCarthy hearings. Alex Borestein is in it too which could explain Robert's connection to Family Guy but that's beside the point. The main reason I watched this movie is because very recently Mr Joe Werhsba, played by Robert Downey Jr in this movie, died. If you're not into biopics or dark, historical movies, don't watch this one. I do recommend it though, it's very good.

My favorite quote from this movie, which was quoted back in the early 50's:

"And if there are any historians about 50 or 100 years from now and there should be preserved the kinescopes of one week of all three networks, they will there find recorded in black and white and in color evidence of decedance, escapism and insulation from the realities of the world in which we live. We are currently wealthy, fat, comfortable and complacent. We have a built in allergy to unpleasant or disturbing information. Our mass media reflect this. But unless we get up off our fat surplusses and recognize that television in the main is being used to distract, dilude, amuse and insulate us, then television and those who finance it, those who work at it and those who work in it may see a totally different picture too late." Edward R Murrow

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Personal Marathons are Awesome

Today I had my own little Robert Downey Jr marathon. Of course that's pretty much every day when it comes down to it, but this was an interesting one.

I started out by watching Kiss Kiss Bang Bang again. I really love that movie and felt the need to watch it for a second time in 24 hours. But I've already put in my two cents on that one.

After Kiss Kiss Bang Bang I watched a movie called Friends and Lovers. It's a very interesting movie. I'd completely forgotten that there was a dick shot in the movie (not Robert.) I'd also forgotten that Robert has a sex scene with Claudia Schiffer in which we get to see his naked ass. But that's beside the point. The movie is very weird and Robert has a German accent for most of it, which is hilarious. And then there's the scene where he grabs Steven Baldwin's junk. Friends and Lovers is definitely the type of movie you only watch when there is literally nothing better on TV. Or if you want to see Robert Downey Jr's naked ass.

After that I watched Soapdish yet again. I love this movie so much. It's hilarious and amazing and the cast is fantastic. Sally Field and Whoopie Goldberg and Kevin Kline and, of course, Robert and Carrie Fisher and Kathy Nijimy and Kathy Moriarty and Frank Marshall and Elisabeth Shue and so many fantastically amazing people. Oh, Teri Hatcher is in it too. That's one of Robert's 13 connections to Desperate Housewives. 13 is all I've managed to count so far. But anyway. Soapdish is a great satire on soap operas and what goes on behind the scenes. Definitely should watch it.

Then I tried to watch Robert's episodes of Saturday Night Live but I was teased a bit. There were only two actual episodes of the season that he was on and of those two whole episodes, only one of the skits actually had Robert in it. Total disappointment if you ask me. Not even worth my time.

So when I was finished with that I had to watch some nonsensical stuff until the kid went to bed and then I watched Less Than Zero. Every time I watch this movie I sit there and wonder what part of what went on in that movie made Robert think that using drugs was a good idea. It's not really a great question to come to mind but it always does. Fortunately for everyone he figured out that it wasn't such a good idea after all and he's back on the straight and narrow. The movie is so powerful and disturbing, but completely amazing. Only watch it if you're in the mood for something dark and depressing though. If you're in a good mood this movie will definitely bring you down.

I capped off the evening with Charlie Bartlett. This movie was released in 2008 about three months before Robert's major movie come back in Iron Man. It's a great movie, honestly. Anton Yelchin is absolutely adorable as the main character and Kat Dennings does a fantastic job as the principal's daughter. The principal who just happens to be played by Robert. There are so many great lines in this movie and most of them are Anton's, that's for sure. Although Robert's "Never attack a drunk guy with a gun" is pretty classic. The whole thing is basically about how to survive high school and realizing that all that matters is being yourself. Over all a great movie and I high recommend it.

Yes, I know I am a bit obsessed with the wonderful RDJ but at least my obsession only holds to watching his movies over and over again. I only wrote him one letter and I don't plan on stalking him to Comic Con or whatever the really crazy people do. While he is an amazingly talented actor and musician, and he is very much a hottie, I also understand that he is a human being. A happily married human being. And I'm sure he gets sick of the fans treating him like he's something higher or better than the rest of us lowly humans down here on earth. He's just a regular guy with an obscene amount of talent and the outlet for such.

Netflix View Instantly

I really like this feature on It allows me to see movies that I don't necessarily want to wait to get in the mail. And they add some awesome stuff to the list, too. Like I just looked today and saw that Less Than Zero has been added to the view instantly titles. That's pretty awesome if you ask me. And I can get a lot of the movies of Robert Downey Jr on the view instantly list. These are movies that I don't currently own and don't necessarily want to buy but would happily watch now that I can just turn on my Blu-Ray player, connect to and hit play. Very awesome.

Iron Man and Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

So tonight I watched Iron Man and then Kiss Kiss Bang Bang yet again. I really do not like how stupid Pepper comes across in this movie. I really don't. "Push the button!" "You told me not to!" I wanted to be like "NOW HE'S TELLING YOU TO STUPID BITCH!" But she couldn't hear me so what's the point. I mean....Pepper is sooooo much smarter than that in the comics. Tony would have said "Push the button!" and she would have replied with "Are you sure?!" and then done it. I don't know. I like Gwyneth Paltrow and all and I do not blame her one bit, but I think Pepper Potts is a lot smarter and more confident than she came across in the movie.

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is one of my favorite movies if for no other reason than the fact that Robert Downey Jr and Val Kilmer kiss. That scene is hilarious. And when the spider crawls into Harmony's bra. Definitely a funny scene. The whole movie is pretty intense, and there are some dramatic moments but I think it's an over all comedy. And this movie proves that Robert is amazing with the facial expressions. And Val Kilmer is really awesome at being a not so good good guy. I highly recommend this movie if you haven't seen it yet. VERY awesome. Especially the narration. It's like actually listening to someone telling a story about something that happened to them, even with the "Oh shit, I forgot to tell you about this" parts and so on. VERY well written. Although there are some pretty corny and obvious things, but I think that's the case with all movies. Over all? Watch the movie, really. The cast is great and the script is wonderful. It's from the same guy that did Lethal Weapon. Enough said.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I got the message

So today the radio at work decided that I need to watch Iron Man again. It's actually been a little while since I've watched Iron Man and I don't think I've watched Iron Man 2 since I saw it in the theater, but I got the message and plan to watch Iron Man tonight. What was the message you ask? The first two songs that I heard as soon as I walked into the store were Highway to Hell by ACDC (opening sequence of Iron Man 2) and Iron Man by Black Sabbath. Of course then it played a song that made me want to watch Wayne's World but that was only one song so I think the two songs from a specific fandom means I should watch that movie instead.

And no, I don't need an excuse to watch Iron Man, it's just fun to have one.

Monday, May 23, 2011

I think it's interesting that TNT manages to air all of the episodes of Law&Order that I've actually seen. It's very rare that I get an episode that I haven't seen. Of course I watched the show religiously for a very long time. The real trick is finding episodes of Cold Case and Without A Trace that I have seen and playing them over and over again. There's a lot of both of those TV shows that I haven't seen and the fact that they only air a few episodes makes me wonder. Or maybe I'm just not watching the channel enough to catch the episodes that I haven't seen. Although, that's what DVD's and Netflix are for, right? To catch up on things that you haven't seen. I would literally spend ALL of my spare time watching TV if I did that. Not that I don't spend a large majority of it watching TV now.

Not having a life gets you watching a LOT of TV.

In Plain Sight and Law&Order: Criminal Intent

I have to say that I originally thought that In Plain Sight was going to be a stupid TV show, but that's usually the case with the USA network. The promos make the show look ridiculous but it actually turns out to be pretty good. Although it took a while for In Plain Sight to grow on me, I do like the show. Especially Marshall. He's a fountain of useless information and I love that because I can relate. He also has to deal with Mary on a regular basis and I have had to deal with people like her a lot in my life. So it's all good.

The newest episode was actually very good. I love the way that Mary, her mom, and her sister are all starting to get along a lot better. And I'm glad that Mary's sister (whose name escapes me at the moment) has found an awesome guy and seems to be very happy. I love to see Mary's interaction with the witnesses because she never sugar coats anything and even though she acts like this hard ass that doesn't give a shit, you can tell that deep down she really does care about each and every one of these people. Even the criminals that she would rather see put behind bars than in protective custody.

I think my favorite part about this most recent Criminal Intent was when Eames was talker about her father. "He's got Irish Alzheimer's. Forgets everything but the grudges." That line made me laugh. I loved it, really. The whole episode was very well done, except for when the dead guy moved his head when no one was anywhere near it. Other than that, the story was good and done well. D'Onofrio is always awesome, even when they mess with his character like they've managed to do in this case. I don't like where they've gone with it but Vincent is along for the ride and doing a great job. Julia Ormond as the therapist was a nice touch, too. I have yet to see her do something that I didn't like. She's a talented actress and I'm happy to see her on the show, even if it's just here and there.

Over all, I recommend both shows.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

BBCA gets lazy on holidays

Over all, the episode of Dr Who was pretty awesome so far. Who saw that thing at the end coming a mile away? I know I certainly did. As soon as the Doctor did the thing with that stuff, I knew it was coming.

Now a freaking TWO WEEK wait until the second half of the episode. I'm all for Memorial Day weekend and all that but I don't understand why BBCA can't just air new episodes of Dr Who on major holiday weekends.

It was sooo cool getting to be only a few hours behind the UK as far as when the episode aired and now we're going to be ONE FULL WEEK behind them. That sucks, that's all there is to it. Bleh.
This episode of Dr Who is pretty awesome so far. I like the focus on Rory this time. He's so much more than they let him be sometimes.

My problem? Thanks to Memorial Day weekend I have to wait 2 WEEKS for the second half of this two part episode. JERKS! So now we'll be a week behind England. All because they can't be bothered to show new episodes on Memorial Day weekend.

Ben and Jerry's Red Velvet Cake Ice Cream

Red velvet cake batter ice cream with red velvet cake pieces and a cream cheese frosting swirl.

That's not as rich as it sounds. I expected it to be a lot more red than it is, but over all it's pretty good. It's got a nice combination between cake batter and cream cheese. Very interesting and definitely recommended.


Since the rapture didn't happen (surprise, surprise) then it's good to look forward to watching tonight's episode of Dr Who which I will talk about in a post after the episode. :-)

Friday, May 20, 2011

Something that I've been working on in my inability to sleep has made me want to watch the movie Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang again. I love this movie even though it's a bit weird and kind of dark. I think my favorite part is the fact that the main character is narrating the whole movie and he actually back tracks and everything just like someone that's telling a story to a bunch of friends. Of course the fact that said main character is played by the awesome Robert Downey Jr could have something to do with my love of this movie. And there's Val Kilmer and Corbin Bersen too. And Larry Miller. I've always liked him. The whole cast is great and they work together so well. If you haven't seen this movie yet, I think you really should. Although the most comedic part in my opinion is when the spider crawls into Harmony's bra. That's all I'm going to say about that.


I'm going to start this off with my plans to make a cookie TARDIS. It's going to take me 14 sticks of butter (about 3.5lbs), 14 cups of flour (or so), 7 cups of sugar, 7 eggs, 7 tea spoons of vanilla and 3.5oz of blue food coloring. I was going to enter it in the where's the tardis contest but I'm not going to have it done by the entry deadline so I'm just going to do it for fun. I'm probably not going to go as all out as I would have if it were for the contest but I definitely will do it. We'll just have to see how it turns out. :-)