Wednesday, June 24, 2015


I feel like Tallywackers needs a decent review rather than just saying "On hey it's good" and leaving it at that.

It was a Wednesday night and there was a half an hour wait for three people.  My mom, daughter, and I went tonight and it was busy.  ON A WEDNESDAY NIGHT.  That says something.  Though our waiter and I agree that part of it was probably the novelty of the place.  It has only been open for about a month.  And that business might die down a little once it's been there longer but we're both hoping it doesn't.

That was our waiter.  His name is Geraldo and he's very nice.  And it's not waiter nice, either.  He's genuinely a nice guy.  We nicknamed him Mackie, though I think he fits Fresh Prince a bit more.  Normally, they take their shirts off for pictures but Kaitlynne asked that they keep their shirts on.  She also got pictures with one guy that we call Captain America.  

And another guy that we called Alcide.  

Kaitlynne kept smelling her shoulder after that picture because some of his cologne rubbed off on her and it smelled nice.  It was kind of adorable.  We gave a few other nicknames out but these were the only ones she actually wanted pictures with.  

The restaurant was a bit noisy but it was full of people talking and have a good time so noise was to be expected.  They had great music and some videos playing on the TVs that were pretty cool.  Sometimes the music matched the videos and sometimes it didn't but it was still cool.  

Now, onto the food.  It was amazing.  I got the rigatoni pasta which had braised beef and mushrooms and spinach and cherry tomatoes and Parmesan cheese.  I asked for no tomatoes and it came with it anyway, but they were easy to pick out so it wasn't a big deal.  Now, you have to understand that I am a ridiculously picky eater.  Not only because of my tastes but also because of certain issues that I have that make it hard for me to find food that I actually CAN eat.  So it's hard for me to find restaurant pasta that's actually edible for me.  Especially since they don't always cook the pasta right.  This was not the case with Tallywackers pasta.  It was the perfect tenderness, and the meat was so soft I almost didn't have to chew it.  The whole meal was very enjoyable and I ate every bite, which is rare for me, especially these days.  

Kaitlynne got the Croque Monsieur which she loved.  She didn't finish it, though, because it had EIGHT LAYERS of ham on it.  And their french fries are pretty amazing.  The sandwich just looked really good.  

My mom got the "Bobby Duke" chicken fried stake.  It came with mashed potatoes and green beans.  The green beans were so covered in garlic that they were actually spicy and they were fresh green beans which is kind of awesome.  The steak was a decent size.  Big enough that my mom couldn't finish it.  It looked really good, though.  

My only real complaint about the place is that the only iced tea they have is mango flavored and I don't really like mango.  And they don't have root beer.  But most of the time I drink water anyway so it was okay.  And the water was good, not typical Dallas tap water.

I definitely look forward to going back to Tallywackers at some point.  They offer free valet parking, but the valets do work for tips.  I gave ours a $9 tip, though most people were giving them one or two, which irritated me.  Doing business with someone that also works for tips has advantages for sure.  

Over all, I highly recommend it.  The waiters are a large variety of guys that cater to pretty much every taste.  And there weren't just women and gay guys there, either.  It was a nice mix of clientele. 

If you find yourself in Dallas, stop by Tallywackers.  As far as the good goes, you definitely get what you pay for, and the ambiance is very enjoyable.  

And no, I did not get paid to write this review.