Friday, July 22, 2011

CAPTAIN AMERICA!!! Spoiler Alert ahead.

STAY UNTIL AFTER THE CREDITS! Which is the case with all Marvel movies.

SPOILER ALERT AHEAD! Don't read this if you don't want to know details about the movie.

The first thing that I have to say is that it still freaks me out to see Chris Evans head on a short, scrawny little body. It's just WEIRD! That's not him at all. And, after this movie, I officially no longer hate Chris Evans. I still don't like him all that much, but I don't hate him either. So that's a start.

I was very confused at the beginning of this movie. I couldn't get what was going on. Everything looked way too modern. It wasn't until the black mass appeared in the snow that I realized that they were finding Cap frozen in the ice. I knew about that part of his story but I didn't realize they were putting it in the movie at the very beginning.

Even though there were a lot of special effects in this film, it wasn't completely CG. I did like seeing Natalie Dormer even though it was briefly, but that was later in the film. She was the "The women of American owe you a debt of gratitude" or whatever the line was. It was a precursor to making her look like a slut so I didn't pay that much attention. I do know that it was in the trailer, though.

Stanley Tucci will always have a special place in my heart. And I love him as Dr Erskine. When Steve says "Where are you from?" and in his thick German accent Erskine says "Queens." That was too priceless.

There were only two people in Hollywood that could have possibly been cast as Colonel Chester Phillips. And since R. Lee. Ermie apparently wasn't available, the other option was the amazing Tommy Lee Jones. I love that man so much it's not even funny. And he did such a great job in this role. He's always been beautiful when it comes to delivering lines and he did it with gusto in this movie, especially since they gave him some of the best lines in the script. My personal favorite was "I'm not gonna kiss you!" So great.

Dominic Cooper as Howard Stark did a very good job. And there were a lot of scenes with Howard that the only thought I had in my head at the moment was "Like Father/Like Son." Especially the bit when Howard tests out the crystal and gets blown halfway across the lab. I had a momentary flash back to Tony first testing out the flight boots in the first Iron Man movie. VERY nice.

Everyone was very perfectly cast, although Neal McDonough will always creep me out. He did a good job as Dum Dum Dugan, though. I think we might get a chance to see him again at some point but I'm not really sure on that one. Depends on how they play this out.

The story was very well done and I am so glad that they did a great job on this. While waiting for the movie to start, with the theater completely quiet someone said aloud "Dear God please let them not have screwed this up." and of course the entire theater laughed.

There were moments that had everybody laughing and cheering. When Cap shows up with the 400 soldiers that he freed from the Red Skull, the theater erupted in applause. It was so great. There was a lot of laughing and a few "ooohs" in the appropriate places. And there were more cheers when Nick Fury showed up at the end. It was so great.

I think one of the best parts of this movie though is The Avengers trailer at the end. I am SOOOO looking forward to that movie and next summer can not come fast enough. There's a little bit of everyone in the trailer and Tony walking up to Thor, patting his arm and saying "Nice Swing" just made everybody laugh.

I have to admit that the musical numbers and the war bonds selling made me cringe. Especially the song that the girls sang. It just made me want to smack somebody upside the head repeatedly. And Chris even managed to look like he would really rather be doing anything else but that. So this has proven that Chris can at least act a little bit which has given me cause to not hate him anymore.

Over all the movie is very well done and I highly recommend it to any and everyone there is. I didn't see it in 3D and I'm personally glad I didn't, but there were a lot of parts in the movie that would be very cool in 3D if you can handle that sort of thing.

Go see this movie. That's all I'm saying.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Harry Potter and the Deathy Hallows Part 2

If you have not read the book and have not yet seen the movie, beware there are spoilers ahead.

I so loved this movie, I really did. There were things that I saw differently in my head when I was reading the books but that's always going to be the case. What I saw in my head might not have been possible with special effects, and there's always different interpretations of things.

There were also parts that I didn't remember. Honestly, I totally forgot that Fred dies until a friend of mine reminded me earlier today before I went to see the movie. And that part was so horrifically sad. All of the deaths hit hard, especially the characters that I really liked. I love Fred and George. YOU DON'T SPLIT UP THE TWINS, MAN! YOU JUST DON'T! Okay, I'm over that now. And Remus and Tonks dying was just wrong on so many levels, but then I hated all of the deaths in this series. Every last one of them. Although I think the deaths that hit me the hardest were Dobby and Snape.

I would like to take a side note and say that I have always loved the casting in these movies. Every part was cast so beautifully. Although I will, until the day I die, say that Emma Watson was too pretty for Hermione and Imelda Staunton was too pretty for Delores Umbridge. They did, however, play the parts wonderfully and I am glad that those two were cast. My favorite cast members, however, have got to be Maggie Smith and Alan Rickman. Alan Rickman as Snape was just pure genius. That's all there is to it. Absolute, complete and utter genius. I love the way he managed to make it look like Snape just glides across the floor. And I love how you could simultaneously love and hate the man at the same time. Alan Rickman was perfect for Snape and I am so glad that he did it.

Snapes death was so sad and Rickman played it so well. Although I have to say that the collection of his last thoughts went very differently than described in the book. I will say that it was done well, and this was a lot easier special effects wise, but I was slightly disappointed at that.

Now, onto my love of Maggie Smith. Since the day I found out she was being cast as McGonagall, I have been cheering and wanting to hug the casting director. I've had a girl crush on this woman since she played the Mother Superior in Sister Act. I know that her career has spanned a lot longer than that, but that was my first exposure to her and I've loved her ever since. And I really, really wish that they had put "Do you need a cough drop, Delores?" into Order of the Phoenix because she would have played that line so beautifully. And my favorite part of this movie will always be "I've always wanted to use that spell!" She looked like a little kid at Christmas when she said that. It was wonderful. That woman just makes my life, that's all there is to it.

Ralph Fiennes played Voldemort so well. He has a wonderful voice and you almost hate to see him play the villain but he did it wonderfully and I loved that he was cast as Voldemort. When it comes down to it, I loved the entire cast. That's the only way to say it. Ralph was so deliciously evil that you really wanted to hate him but you couldn't help but love the wickedness. There's a tiny little evil part of me that almost wanted to cheer for him. He was too good to die, really. But that was the story so it had to happen. Although with the scene were he breaks up into tiny little pieces and flies away, I'm very glad that I wasn't able to watch this in 3D because I didn't need to see that coming flying at me. Just saying.

I am so very, very happy that Neville got to save the day. He's always been the klutz, the bumbler, the one that messes things up. I loved to see him coming into his own and being brave and standing up against the bad guys. Killing Nagini was just the icing on the awesomeness cake that Neville had become. I didn't remember him being in love with Luna but it really fit. Those two are perfect for each other. And Luna is definitely one of my favorite characters because she is so lovably weird. She seems like someone that I would have been very good friends with had we gone to school together.

Over all this movie was perfect. It was beautifully done and absolutely amazing. I highly recommend it to anyone who hasn't yet seen it. And if you haven't read the book yet, do it. Trust me, you won't regret it. But start from book one, if you haven't. One of the things that I love about this series is that you can't just pick up a book in the middle and know what's going on. You have to read it from the very beginning to know what's happening. J.K. did that brilliantly.

I didn't really like the age progression at the end but it was definitely better than having other actors come in. And to be honest, it looked like they only really age progressed the guys. All they did with Emma and Bonnie was change their hair a bit and they looked older. But the guys needed some computerized help. And poor Daniel looks like he's one of those guys that just thinks about not shaving and has a beard like Hagrid's. They probably had to take a lot of shaving breaks throughout this movie, just so that he could look the way he did. And make up only covers up so much. But I digress.

Go see the movie. Take the time to read the books. Pick a character and fall in love. Be one with the stories. You will not regret it, seriously.