Friday, May 27, 2011

Marathon Continuation

Kaitlynne is at a weekend long sleep over so I can watch whatever I want to watch without worrying about waking her up. YAY!

Tonight I started with Game 6. Robert plays a theater critic who is notorious for giving such scathing reviews that he actually ends careers. So many people hate him that he goes out in disguise, he doesn't have a listed address and he carries a fire arm. Michael Keaton plays a play write and the movie takes place all in one day, the opening night of the newest play. And Robert's character is going to be there to review it. All of this is centered on Game 6 of the 1986 World Series when Boston blew the series and lost to the Mets. It's very interesting and well done, but you have to really pay attention to be able to follow the movie. When it's all said and done we find out that the play write and the critic have the Boston Red Sox in common. I really like this movie just because Robert's character is so amazingly weird and there's a scene where Robert has to apply make up over a fake birth mark on his cheek.

Next I watched Zodiac. Robert plays reporter Paul Avery. This movie is very interesting and suspenseful. And even though you know exactly who did it, they never quite catch the guy. Jake Gyllenhaal plays Robert Graysmith, the man who became obsessed with the Zodiac killer. Mark Ruffalo plays Inspector David Toschi who headed the investigation. It's very well done and creepy. I can't really describe how this movie makes me feel because I go all over the place when I watch it. Over all it's a very good movie and I recommend it to everyone.

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