Saturday, November 24, 2012

I do have a Texas temper, I admit that.

I wasn't going to say anything about this but I'm starting to get seriously annoyed by it so I am going to rant for a bit.  I see all these comments about "Texas wants to secede" and "please let Texas go" and snide remarks about "Good riddance." and things like that.

My biggest problem with this is that they are talking about THE ENTIRE STATE when it's actually just SOME of the people that want to secede.  And the last time I checked, it was less than 1/4 the population of the city of Arlington, which is not the biggest city in the state.

Yes, I understand that Texas has a lot of stupid, redneck morons that would make America a better place if they were not a part of it, but that does not mean that the entire state is populated thusly.  You're grouping all of us into a stereotype that does not actually apply.

I am a native Texan.  I was born and raised right here in this state.  Of my 34 years on this planet I have spent a total of 2 years outside of this state, not including trips to other locations.  I can not eat spicy food.  I can barely tolerate black pepper and I can't eat Taco Bell tacos without sour cream because they are too spicy.  I have never actually seen a horse in person unless you count the pony with which I had a picture taken when I was three or four years old.  The only farm that I have ever set foot on was my Uncle's farm in Ohio.  I do not like football and I don't understand it.  The only reason I pay attention to the Cowboys' schedule is because it effects my route to work.   The only oil derrick I have ever seen is the one at Six Flags over Texas.  And I do not want to secede from the United States.

Part of the reason is completely selfish.  I really like my rather large income tax refund every year.  I currently pay no withholding tax and because I make less than $36000 a year, I still end up getting nearly $5000 back each year.  That wouldn't happen if we weren't part of the United States of America.  Also, I don't want to have to get a passport to go to San Diego which is my current plan for 2014.  It'd be nice to be able to just drive from Arlington to San Diego for Comic Con without having to pass through border patrol.

My parents are already having a hard enough time paying their bills.  If Texas secedes, they lose nearly $1000 a month in income from Social Security.  They lose their medicare which means they have to pay for doctor visits as well as already having to pay for all of their prescriptions.  So that's even less money that they would have coming in.  I would have to get two more jobs in order to help support them and would end up working myself into an early grave because of it.

Yes, all of the reasons I have for NOT seceding are selfish and all about me.  But when you think about it, that's exactly what this request to secede is all about.  It has nothing to do with the wishes of the entire state.  It has to do with the selfish, annoyingly stupid, ridiculous desires of 0.3% of the population of the state.

So please, do NOT generalize the entire state because of the wishes of the few.  Understand that there are people that are nothing like the idiot rednecks that want to leave the US.  

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