This is the car that started it all. Maxwell Smart's 1965 Sunbeam Tiger. Not only is it in one of my all time favorite colors, but it's a convertible too. I loved this car so very very much. I really hated it when they changed cars later on. This one was my absolute favorite.
My second vehicular love affair was the 1936 Auburn belonging to Remington Steele. Yes, Pierce Brosnan buttered by bread back in the day, but it was that car that got my motor running. Even though I was only like 10 at the time. Didn't matter. I wanted that car.
And then there was KITT. Voiced by the man who would later become Mister Feeny on Boy Meets World, this car was awesome. A 1980s (not sure of the specific year) Pontiac Firebird Trans Am. With all of those wonderful features that can only be found in the wonderful land of Knight Rider. The car made me happy and I loved seeing it more than seeing Hasslehoff every week.
I know that I have mentioned this before in my "Celebrity Husbands" post but it bears repeating. The Ferrari 308GTS used in Magnum P.I. was a joy to me. It's the only Ferrari I've ever actually liked, to be honest. And it was a beautiful car. Driven by a beautiful man. And once again, a nice bright red.
I can't talk about my love affair with cars without mentioning this beauty. The 1983 GMC G Series that transported my favorite team of military criminals turned heroes. I loved that van just as much as B.A. did. And I was not the only one. My dad had a 1977 Dodge van that he tried to paint to look exactly like the A-Team van. It didn't work out well but he did try. It was an awesome van.
Of course I have to show Baby. This 1967 Impala is the highlight of the show. When the car that carries them around is an actual character in the show, you know it rocks hard core. I actually feel worse about bad things happening to Baby than I do when Sam and Dean get hurt. I love that car more than both Winchesters combined. Hell, I love that car more than I love Crowley. That should tell you something right there.
And last but certainly not least we have my most recent vehicular love affair.
The 1962 Corvette Convertible lovingly known as Lola. I don't even car about all the fancy SHIELD gadgets in this car. I would take her as is off the factory line. Lola is a beautiful piece of machinery and I love her as if she were my own. Clark Gregg is a very lucky man just for getting to sit in her. Wonderful car.
I'm sure there are more cars that belong on this list but those are the ones that are first and foremost in my mind. Those are the cars that have made a lasting impression on me. The ones that I would do anything to own.
I should mention Christine in here. The 1958 Plymouth Fury is a gorgeous car. I think I didn't mention it originally because I've never actually seen the movie. I just know about the beautiful car.
Yet another beautiful red one. I would own this car if I could. I would own any of them if I could, honestly. They're all amazing cars and I love them very much. Almost as much as I love my daughter and certainly more than I love the people that drive them. So there you go. I would take cars over people any day. Even one that is a demonically possessed killer car.